Fuel…CHECK, Engine…CHECK!
Subscribe NOW For SafeRockets.net Launch!
Where Will You Be Able To Find Vetted “Rocket Ready” Crypto Projects?
Subscribe TODAY at Saferockets.net, our project vetting and voting platform, COMING SOON!
Brought to you by UnityVentures and Hummingbird Finance!
We are combining the very best of a community voted, popularity index and due diligence enabled platform!
Look, we all know that when it comes to the word “rocket” …safety is usually about the last thing you have in mind.
Our Safety Promise From SafeRockets.net To YOU!
We realize the crypto market can be a scary place sometimes.
“We promise to…
Hold projects feet to the fire and force them to PROVE their project is worth your consideration!”
Here is how we will DO THAT!
1-Force projects to provide liquidity pool locking data and audit status
2-Post this information and link it on our site
3-Let the community vote on the projects they like
4-Investigate and support additional vetting measures
What is Vetting?
With so many projects entering the crypto market everyday, buyers have few ways to know what is real.
Nothing worse than having a contract breach, project rugged, or the liquidity pools disappear right after you buy.
At SafeRockets.net, you can find established, new and upcoming projects that are vetted & voted on by the crypto community!
Vetting is important because it allows buyers to see projects that have been audited or are in the process of auditing and we confirm who has locked their liquidity to provide added security for buyers.
SafeRocket Vetting Step 1- Liquidity Pool Locking
Liquidity pool locking refers to pools of tokens that have been locked in smart contracts so that they can provide uninterrupted liquidity to decentralized exchanges.
This eliminates “liquidity rug pulls”, where liquidity is removed, leaving sellers no way to get out of the token, because the liquidity pool is locked for a predetermined period of time.
During that time attempts to create illiquidity are rendered impossible because the liquidity is locked and cannot be removed.
At SafeRockets.net, first we examine the project’s token liquidity pool locking contracts, we show you the locking details, and link you to those.
Once a project has shown they have locked their liquidity pools, we take them to the next vetting step.
SafeRockets Vetting Step 2- Auditing
At this point projects will supply us with their contract audit details.
First a SafeRockets.net representative will verify the audits are completed or not and we link you to the audits that are done.
Next SafeRockets will post those details on our site, for everyone to see.
Doing your due diligence on crypto projects is important and we make this super easy for you.
At this step, we double check all the details that the project has provided then we check it has been posted correctly.
Then we open their project for voting by the crypto community!
SafeRockets Vetting Step 3- Project Voting and
Why It Matters
SafeRockets.net is a community voted popularity index.
Voting is important because it allows the community to let their opinions about projects be heard by voting.
There are numerous categories to vote on so you can be sure the voting strength of the community is accurate.
To prevent aged vote accumulation, each category will only be available for a limited time period.
Here are the first round voting categories,
Best Overall Token
Best Long Term Hold
Best Meme Token
Best Tech Token
Best Community Token
We will be taking feedback from the community and if other categories gain favor with a majority, we will add them.
Users will be able to select from each category completely free of charge.
The winners for these pools will be highlighted in the winners tab after each voting period has concluded.
Projects receiving top votes in their categories will get a FREE “Top Token” write up on unitynews.net !
This highlights and brings attention to your project and lets the crypto community understand why your project is worthy of their consideration!
What Else Is New?
SafeRockets NFT feed!
NFT’s are all the rage and we wanted to allow NFT projects to get some additional focus.
But safety in the NFT space is also desirable so we have opened up SafeRockets.net to include NFT projects.
Here in the NFT section,
NFT projects can list their token vetting details.
The community can validate the vetting details and vote on various categories for their favorite NFT’s, just like SafeRockets!
Coinmarketcap Feed
CoinmarketCap’s market activity feed is available to keep you aware of important market conditions and prices.
Additional Vetting Measures
We are just getting started folks!
We are targeting numerous other vetting procedures to add additional safety metrics for your due diligence needs.
We will be adding more safety metrics and features as they become available to keep our Safety promise to you!
If you have suggestions as to how we can make your due diligence faster, better SAFER?
Please let us know with an email to Mailbox@RYI-FINANCE.COM
A Note On Voting Security
Multiple measures are being taken to prevent voting from being corrupted by bots and bad actors trying to manipulate votes and prices etc.
Firstly, there is an anti-duplicate voting, anti-bot tech, captcha enabled voting, etc. Can’t tell you everything, suffice it to say, security is TIGHT!
Please check out our parent company at ryi-unity.com
SafeRockets.net is a division of RYI Unity LLC a California limited Liability Company, registered with the Secretary Of State Of California.
All project information should be assumed to be provided by the respective projects profiled on SafeRockets.net
Neither SafeRockets.net or its affiliated companies or websites can take responsibility for, or be held liable for actions performed by, or information provided by the respective projects themselves. ALL responsibility and liability of any information of the respective projects will remain with the respective projects.
SafeRockets.net cannot be held responsible for any issues regarding such information. We make every reasonable attempt to validate the information provided by respective projects, but in no way do we make any warranty, guarantee or claims that the information contained on our site is factual, accurate or relevant to your research requirements.
You are required to do your own due diligence. Our purpose is simply to make this information available to you, as the information is represented to be the same information that the projects have made available to SafeRockets.net and its affiliated companies.